All my subordinates are good people and know what they are doing . 我的所有属员都是很理想的人,他们知道自己正在做什么。
C . to receive reports by the commissioner on disciplinary action taken C .听取廉政专员报告廉署对属员所采取的纪律处分
Hours in support of its clients and in training for the complex roles undertaken 小时,为有需要的人士提供支援,以及训练属员执行复杂的任务。
With the deletion of these 151 posts 30 officer grade , 22 rank and file and 99 civilian posts , a total of 39 . 9 million savings in personal emoluments can be delivered 这151个职位当中,有30个属主任级、 22个属员佐级、 99个属文职人员职位。删除这151个职位后,可节省3 , 990万元个人薪酬。
The salary provision budgeted under programme ( 4 ) engineering and systems is $ 56 . 3 million and $ 0 . 582 million of this provision is to provide for salary increments for staff 纲领( 4 )工程及系统项目下,预算的薪金拨款为5 , 630万元,其中58 . 2万元是属员工的薪酬递增,占本纲领项目中薪金拨款的1 % 。
With the deletion of these 151 posts ( 30 officer grade , 22 rank and file and 99 civilian posts ) , a total of $ 39 . 9 million savings in personal emoluments ( pe ) can be delivered 这151个职位当中,有30个属主任级、 22个属员佐级、 99个属文职人员职位。删除这151个职位后,可节省3 , 990万元个人薪酬。