中土畜山货进出口公司: china tuhsu sundries import & export corp
Example Sentences:
The big mountain arrives tomorrow . we have to keep cool 巴基斯坦的大山货明天就到我们要做好准备
The lantau container port activities were relocated to the tuen mun port . a portion of the planned reclamation residential and commercial development was relocated to lantau 大屿山货柜码头则迁移至屯门码头,而一部分已规划的住宅及商业用途填海发展会迁移至大屿山。
The lantau container port activities were relocated to the tuen mun port . a portion of the planned reclamation residential and commercial development was relocated to lantau 大屿山货柜码头则迁移至屯门码头,而一部分已规划的住宅及商业用途填海发展会迁移至大屿山。
For miles upon miles , cropland expands to the southeast , where the sunshine is abundant and the climate , mild , characterized by breezes blown from the south that cools the summer heat in june and july 藏族地区的毛纺织品山货药材从丽江转销内地。西双版纳凤庆下关等地的茶叶日用百货从丽江运往藏区。
The night club can hold 100 person at the same time and have 16 ktvrooms with perfect function and establishment . hotel dining the hotel has 18 vip private rooms including variety of delicious food 华侨大酒楼开设早茶自助餐及午晚饭市,百馀种南北小吃,地方风味相映成趣,拥有18间vip厢房的雅座,礼聘名厨主理色香味型俱佳之粤式美食名肴海鲜山货,是您领略饮食文化风采的好去处。
Shenzhou restaurant , nearly 300 seats and 5 vip room , cook the small food and located flavor of the south and north area tastefully and pricefully . huaxia melti - funational hall can cover about 250 persons and help the customers to hold various types of banquets such as cocktail party , buffet dinner , wedding , liking , longevity . chinese restaurant , nearly 450 seats and 12 vip rooms , invite the famouse cook to deal with the new guangdong type with the colour , fragrance and taste , type all good , for the delicious dishes and seafood , wildlife 华夏多功能厅可容纳近250人,可配合宾客举办酒会冷餐会婚喜寿等各式宴会。中餐厅有近450个餐位, 12间vip厅房,礼聘名厨主理色香味型俱佳之新派粤式美食名肴,海鲜山货,加上殷勤周到的服务,实为商洽聚会喜庆上佳之选。