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English translation for "山露"

mountain dew

Related Translations:
露崎:  tsuyusakitsuyuzaki
露口:  tsuyuguchi
露凶光:  retouchthe victim
露丝:  emerging wirefiber showfibre showlucyroseruth
露黄:  little yellow
露诗:  lush
西露:  nishitsuyu
露头:  露头outcrop; broyl; bryle; back; beat; basset; cropout; outcropping◇露头矿 footrail; 露头煤 [采矿工程] crop coal; 露头砖 [建筑] heading; 露头砖层 [房] heading course
露斯:  rosy varte
露岩:  rocky outcroppingscar
Example Sentences:
1.Dew action sports tour
2.When japanese dealers visited ms . jins company , they were extremely satisfied with the improved management and feel more confident on the quality of the shaulu production . as a result , ms . jin gets an increased order . in addition , contracted farmers also benefit from the increased market , the price of shaulu rise to 0 . 8yuan kg , increased by 0 . 18yuan kg compared to last year ; the total increased value reaches 2 . 925 million yuan from the 6 , 500 mu in the whole municipality
日前,彭州市金绿山珍食品厂的日本客户到企业视察山露加工情况时,对企业经营管理水平的提高感到非常满意,同时对山露产品由以前单一的盐渍出口增加到清水出口也满怀信心,要求增加订货数量,为此彭州市山露目前价格涨到0 . 80元公斤,比去年同期增加0 . 18元公斤,全市种植山露6500亩可增收292 . 5万元。
3.When talking about those training , ms . jin said excitedly in her letter : in the past , we used to process vegetable shaulu for a trade company which exports the products to japan . with sole type of product and marketing channel , our company greatly suffers from the changing market , even the slightest change will affect us a lot , and sometimes we are even on the edge of bankrupt
谈到这几次培训,金总在信中激动的说: “我们企业以前一直是为贸易公司加工生产出口日本的蔬菜山露,产品单一,只有一个销售渠道,出口贸易上稍有风吹草动,我们企业日子就难过,甚至濒于倒闭。
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