There are not very tall but nonetheless rugged mountains in the north , and endless miles of rocky coastline that seem mystical 北部的山虽不高但却崎岖不平,而绵延不绝的岩岸则展现出神秘的风情。
Bio - diversity and abundance of commercial fishes found around the artificial reefs are much higher than those observed in nearby natural rocky shore areas 人工鱼礁四周的生物多样性及具商业价值鱼类的数量,均比在附近的天然岩岸区的高许多。
Participants were able to learn more about their adaptations on rocky shore . participants were finding the factors affecting the distribution of animals on the sandy shore 岩岸上可以找到座生的生物如藤壶和蚝,参加者正了解它们如何适应岩岸环境。
Over millions of years , the rocks along the shoreline next to kang lau shek have been constantly eroded by water , turning them into beautiful platforms of sedimentary rock . the steep slope at the far side is called " lan kuo shui " ( meaning " difficult waters to cross " ) 在更楼石旁的岩岸,亿万年来,被波涛滚滚的巨浪所侵蚀,形成了广阔的海蚀平台,远处直壁,俗称难过水。