| 1. | To scrutinize the public relations and promotion strategies and annual plan prepared by the executive office 审议办事处拟定的再培训局公关及宣传推广策略以及年度工作规划 |
| 2. | Town planning is carried out by the planning department under policy directives from the planning , environment and lands bureau 规划工作规划署负责根据规划环境地政局的政策指令,执行有关城市规划的工作。 |
| 3. | As the fundamentals for work planning of all departments in power industry , power market analysis and forecast hold a singificant position 摘要电力市场分析和预测作为电力行业各部门编制各项工作规划的重要基础工作。 |
| 4. | The board will sustain its efforts in implementing the strategic plan and will work closely with our partners in the light of government s policy directives 本局会继续朝著策略性工作规划的方向发展,务求更进一步提升再培训课程和服务的认受性。 |
| 5. | I propose that starting from next financial year , an annual recurrent subvention of 400 million be allocated to the erb so that it has a more stable source of funding , and can therefore draw up plans for the longer term 我建议从下一财政年度起,向再培训局每年提供四亿元经常性资助,令该局有更稳定的收入来源,制定更长远的工作规划。 |
| 6. | I propose that starting from next financial year , an annual recurrent subvention of $ 400 million be allocated to the erb so that it has a more stable source of funding , and can therefore draw up plans for the longer term 我建议从下一财政年度起,向再培训局每年提供四亿元经常性资助,令该局有更稳定的收入来源,制定更长远的工作规划。 |
| 7. | According to medium and long - term work planning , our giving priority to the electronic industry and information industry field include the auto industry from 2000 to 2005 . we will take best intention , technology and complete management to make more achievements 根据中长期工作规划,我们在2000年至2005年期间的重点发展电子产业和信息产业领域包括汽车工业的产品外观工业设计业务。 |
| 8. | In the meanwhile , basic administration will be mapped out and further strengthened in regards with quality of tax collection and administration , tax law enforcement , internal administration and taxpayer service 强化基础管理,以征管质量、行政执法、内部管理、廉政建设、纳税服务为主要内容,制订基础管理工作规划,形成完善的基础管理制度体系和工作落实机制,真正做到夯实基础、打牢平台、促进发展。 |
| 9. | Develop a review programme , in order of priority areas identified , for the regulatory framework on planning issues affecting pre - construction property development activities , to eliminate repetitive or excessive regulations , to cut red tape and to shorten the long lead time 根据既定工作范畴的优先次序,设定一项计划以检讨楼宇施工前期物业发展工作规划事宜的规管机制,务求取缔重复或过份的规管消除繁琐的规例和程序及缩短审批所需的时间 |