[ qiǎolìmíngmù ] rack one's brains for ingenious devices; concoct various pretexts; create ingenious titles for padding one's pay [charging expense]; devise a variety of titles; invent all kinds of names (as pretexts for); under all sorts of pretexts [names]: 巧立名目, 搜刮民财 extort people's wealth under all sorts of pretexts
Related Translations:
巧立名目搜刮民财: extort people's wealth under all sorts of pretexts
Example Sentences:
Super man : accepting advantage 巧立名目收受利益
That is to say , except for some necessary and proscribed fees , the government institutions at various levels are prohibited from levying various charges or fees from the people in various kinds of names 朱总理:也就是说,各级政府机关除了必要的规费以外,不允许巧立名目向人民群众收费。
To work in unity , we need to show tolerance , broad - mindedness , and a willingness to take an overall view of things . what hong kong needs are not more acts of furious criticism , but far - sighted suggestions from our fellow legislators . let us show dignity in restraint 群策群力需要为大局著想的气量,现时本港最需要的不是更多的迁怒泄愤行为,还望本会同僚多拿出有远见的建议、保持自尊的行为,放开歧见,不再巧立名目。
But the establishment and practice of it face many troubles and restricting factors . these factors lead to many problems , e . g . not discussing over matters , discussing difficultly and disorderly , not reaching decision , not practicing the decision or collecting money without reasons 但是,这项制度的建立和实施,面对着许多的困境和制约因素,导致了不少村庄有事不议、有事难议、有事乱议、议而不决或决而不行,甚至“搭车”收费、巧立名目收费等,使“一事一议”很难达到制度设计者所设想的效果和目的。