I hate coldness and misunderstanding . they leave me with a sore and sensitive feeling about my heart , which no amount of ingenious argument can take away 我憎恨冷言冷语和被人误解,它会带给我心灵上的隐痛和敏感,再多的巧辩妙驳,也是消除不了的。
I like you more than i can say ; but i ll not sink into a bathos of sentiment : and with this needle of repartee i ll keep you from the edge of the gulf too ; and , moreover , maintain by its pungent aid that distance between you and myself most conducive to our real mutual advantage 尽管我对你的喜欢,非言语所能表达,但我不愿落入多情善感的流俗,我要用这巧辩的锋芒,让你悬崖勒马。除此之外,话中带刺,有助于保持我们之间对彼此都很有利的距离。 ”