Ⅰ动词 1.(急切盼望) hope earnestly; wait anxiously for 短语和例子 朝巴夜望 strain one's eyes in waiting day and night; look forward to night and day2.(粘住; 紧贴) cling to; stick to 短语和例子 巴了锅 crust sticks to pot; 爬山虎巴在墙上。 the ivy clings to the wall.3.(爬) climb physically and socially 短语和例子 巴高望上 have ambition to rise in society4.[方言] (挨着) be close to; be next to 短语和例子 前不巴村, 后不巴店 a desolate place, not close to anything; with no village ahead and no inn behind -- stranded in an uninhabited area5.[方言] (张开) open; split; crack; break up 短语和例子 巴着眼瞧 look with wide open eyes; 桌子巴缝了。 the table cracked.Ⅱ名词 1.[书面语] (巴蛇, 古代传说中的大蛇) python 2.(干燥粘结物) crust; crust like formation 短语和例子 锅巴 rice crust sticking to pot; 疮巴 scar on wound; 泥巴 cake of mud3.(部分生物器官) part of compounds denoting tip, end, tail 短语和例子 下巴 chin; 嘴巴 mouth; 尾巴 tail4.(周朝国名) ba, a state in the zhou dynasty 5.(指四川东部) ancient name of east sichuan 6.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 巴金 ba jin7.[物理学] (压强单位) bar 短语和例子 毫巴 millibar; 微巴 microbar
Example Sentences:
Barbicane was the first to set foot on dock . 巴比康第一个跨过船坞。
Barrett and anderson drew their pistols . 巴雷特和安德森抽出了手枪。
Shut up! pablo looked at him squarely . 住嘴!巴布罗直盯盯地望着他。
"i am drunk," pablo said with dignity . “我醉了,”巴勃罗神气地说。
Babbitt paid his bill, said adequately . 巴比特付了款,有分寸地说。
I remember the barracks in albany street . 我记得阿尔巴尼街的兵营。
I will dictate a letter to bartolo-mmeo . 我要口述一封信给巴托洛梅奥。
Does the bar ice the champagne before serving ? 那家酒巴有冰镇香槟吗?
Babbitt was expansive and virile . 巴比特兴高采烈,男子气概十足。