| 1. | Lama zopa rinpoche was born in thami , nepal , in 1946 梭巴仁波切于1946年出生在尼泊尔的答米。 |
| 2. | Foundation for the preservation of the mahayana tradition fpmt 梭巴仁波切现在是护持大乘法脉联合会属 |
| 3. | At tushita center of lama zopa rinpoche in new delhi on 3 feb 2007 仁波切应邀在喇嘛梭巴仁波切于新德里的中心 |
| 4. | Lama zopa rinpoche 喇嘛梭巴仁波切 |
| 5. | I think he is the best qualified kagyu religious elder to clarify and inform us the truth 夏玛巴仁波切俩的老师,我想他是最有资格向大家澄 |
| 6. | Through the tireless efforts of kyabje zopa rinpoche the proper method of preparing a prayer wheel was researched 梭巴仁波切在无懈地寻求后,找到了筹制转经轮的适当方式。 |
| 7. | December 31 , the 12th chamgon tai situ rinpoche appointed new khenpo for benchen monastery , the seat of his eminence sangye nyenpa rinpoche s lineage 上图为尊贵的桑杰年巴仁波切在八邦智慧林大殿整在进行口传, |
| 8. | There are now over sixty such centers and activities . rinpoche travels constantly between these centers , teaching and guiding his thousands of disciples 梭巴仁波切经常游走于各个中心之间传授殊胜法门同时给予弟子长期的开导。 |
| 9. | With great and without concern for his own welfare , his eminence lho kunsang rinpoche would hide relics from destroved temples , including precious sutras , buddhist statues , and stapes 另外在第三世竹巴仁波切处接受了巴麦钦哲仁波切之伏藏法圆满灌顶,口传指导。 |
| 10. | The highest reigning lama of mongolia , his holiness kakha jetsun dampa rinpoche , who is a realized master of kalacakra . his previous incarnations are well known for having direct clean visions of tara 尊贵的喀卡哲胜丹巴仁波切是蒙古地位最高的喇嘛,他是时轮金刚的实证者,他的许多前世拥有见到度母显现的能力。 |