| 1. | Religious factors in the palestine - israel conflict 浅析巴以冲突中的宗教因素 |
| 2. | The cold war prolonged the fight in palestine 冷战托延了巴以冲突的时间。 |
| 3. | Dilemma yasser arafat faces in the israel - palestinian conflict 巴以冲突中阿拉法特的困境 |
| 4. | Women ' s peace movement in conflict between palestine and israel 巴以冲突中的妇女和平运动 |
| 5. | The quartet seeks to end the israeli - palestinian conflict 该四国组寻求解决巴以冲突之道。 |
| 6. | Arab - israeli conflict and middle east ' s future 巴以冲突与中东局势走向 |
| 7. | National and religious roots of the conflict between palestine and israel 巴以冲突的民族和宗教根源 |
| 8. | On palestine - israel conflict 巴以冲突剖析 |
| 9. | Israeli - palestinian conflict 巴以冲突 |