She took those rooms for the pleasure of going there with her veil down, and imagining herself a heroine . 她租那些房屋,是为了蒙着面纱到那里去,把自己想象成为一名巾帼英雄,取得这样的一种乐趣罢了。
She was an outstanding female hero 她是一位杰出的巾帼英雄。
Women ' s hero , jinren should take a rest of the bar , something i jiezhe 巾帼英雄,今儿个该歇歇了吧,有事我担着。
She returned to england a heroine and went on to establish the nightingale training school for nurses 她以巾帼英雄的身分回到英国,后来开办了南丁格尔护士学校。
I thought your this little while in goes certainly toward on xians road , wishes your bon voyage , the studies to have heartfeltly , becomes the new times heroine 我想你这会儿一定在去往西安的路上,衷心地祝愿你一路顺风,学业有成,成为新时代的巾帼英雄
She received her first award for her part as sarah tobias in accused , the 1988 and the second one for her performance as clarice starling in silence of the lambs , the 1991 仅仅在两三年后,朱迪梅开二度,在沉默的羔羊the silence of the lambs 1991中改变戏路饰演了一位排除内心阴影,最终擒获凶手的巾帼英雄,再次获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。