| 1. | How to improve the teaching effect of marketing 浅谈如何搞好市场营销学的教学工作 |
| 2. | Theory and practice of undergraduate course market marketing 市场营销学研究性学习的理论与实践 |
| 3. | Review problems of market business and sale 市场营销学综合练习3 |
| 4. | The marketing channel management is a branch of marketing subject 分销渠道管理是市场营销学的分支。 |
| 5. | Teaching experiment on marketing course based on constructivism 基于建构主义理论的市场营销学教学尝试 |
| 6. | Discussing the teaching interactively in the market marketing teaching 浅谈市场营销学课程中的互动式教学 |
| 7. | Brand is used frequently in marketing & sales and advertisement 品牌是市场营销学和广告学广为使用的一个概念。 |
| 8. | Key words in marketing 市场营销学中的核心词汇 |
| 9. | " marketing " is a closely integrated theory and practice course 摘要“市场营销学”是一门理论与实践紧密结合的课程。 |
| 10. | Marketing 3 credits 市场营销学3学分 |