Yuan died shortly thereafter and his regime was overthrown 不久袁世凯身死,洪宪帝制被废。
Contradiction between yuan and duan and the failure of hong - xian monarcly 袁段矛盾与洪宪帝制的败亡
A unit of dry volume or capacity in the british imperial system equal to8 quarts or approximately554 . 8 cubic inches 配克英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554 。 8立方英寸
Imperialistic leaders get great generals faster than other civs and can also pump out settlers nearly twice as quickly 帝制型的领袖获得伟大将领的速度比其他文明快,而且从居民身上敛财的速度也要快两倍。
In beijing , the capital of late imperial china , systematic data on dust weather are preserved , which should be explored and be used fully 作为帝制后期中国的首都,北京保存下较为系统的沙尘天气资料,应该充分加以发掘和利用。
Then , gilbert reid vigorously supported yuan shikai to held the post of temporary president , and pleaded for his despotic behavior and restoring monarchy 李佳白则极力支持袁世凯担任临时大总统,并为其专制行为和复辟帝制辩护。
I chose a few invitations cards or admission tickets and didn ' t realize these small cards proved the new monarchy project silently until i put them in order according to the time sequence 笔者在初选时选入了几张总统庆典一类的请柬或入场券,但直至将它们按时间顺序排列并细读其文字时才发现,这些不起眼的小卡片,居然在默默地为一场帝制丑剧作证。