[ bānxián ] hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack work, etc.; depend on and serve the rich and powerful as a literary (受有钱有势的人们豢养, 为他们装点门面) ◇帮闲文人 literary hack
Example Sentences:
In the higher circles in petersburg the intricate conflict between the parties of rumyantsev , of the french , of marya fyodorovna , of the tsarevitch , and the rest was going on all this time with more heat than ever , drowned , as always , by the buzzing of the court drones 在彼得堡的上层社会各界,鲁缅采夫派亲法派玛丽亚费奥多罗夫娜派皇太子派与其他各派,正在开展空前激烈的错综复杂的斗争,同平常一样,宫廷帮闲们的鼓噪淹没了各派人士的纷争。