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English translation for "干柴烈火"

[ gāncháilièhuǒ ] 
1.(比喻一触即发的形势) (like) a blazing fire and dry wood; (like) a dry faggot on a blazing fire; like bundles of dry firewood -- a single spark will start a big fire
2.(比喻情欲正盛的男女) (man and woman) irresistible to one another; caught in a passion
Example Sentences:
1.They go crazy right away ,
2.It would be like frazier and ali
3.It would be like frazier and ali
4.During one south travel , he heard that the daughter of magistrate of suzhou , wang mantang was very beautiful . emperor qianlong was so happy that he summoned her into the xanadu and made love with her day and night
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