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English translation for "干球温度"

dry bulb temperature
dry-bulb temperature
Example Sentences:
1.Outdoor design dry - bulb temperature for summer air conditioning
2.Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out 7 ; entering air db 35 , wb 24
冷量系依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;入口空气干球温度35 ,湿球温度24计算得出。
3.Note : 1 . nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out 7 ; entering air db 35 , wb 24
备注: 1 .冷量系依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;入口空气干球温度35 ,湿球温度24计算得出。
4.Methods the heat stroke model was established under circum stances of dry buld temperature ( 34 . 5 0 . 5 ) and ( 60 5 ) % relative humidity . 40 mice were randomly divided into five groups including reduping group , xihuangqijiao group , dexamethasone group , heat strike group and normal group and the increased rate of temperature , subsistence time and the number of diarrhea of experimental animals were observed
方法在干球温度( 34 . 5 0 . 5 ) ,相对湿度( 60 5 ) %的条件下建立小鼠中暑模型,将40只小鼠随机分为热毒平组、西黄芪胶组、高温中暑组、地塞米松组和正常对照组,观察动物的肛温上升速率、存活日寸间和致泻作用。
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