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English translation for "干耗"

drying loss; weight loss

Related Translations:
板耗:  plate consumption
地下水耗:  groundwater depletion
耗重:  expendable weight
全能耗:  total energy consumption
耗功:  wasted work
有耗网络:  dissipative net
抗摩耗:  antiattrition
油水耗量:  oil water consumption
开路铁耗:  open-circuit core loss
消防水耗:  fire flow
Example Sentences:
1.Experimental study on vacuum pre - cooling for chinese cabbages ' weight loss
2.Tvb - n value , tba value , dehydration rate , thawing waste , cook drip were measured after being stored a period of time
定期取样测定其挥发性盐基氮( tvb - n )值、硫代巴比妥酸值( tba ) 、冷藏干耗率、物料解冻时的汁液流失量及煮汁率。
3.As the requirement for freshness is especially high , more attention should be played to the fluctuation of air temperature and loss on refrigeration , apart from air content . this thesis analyses the problems in practice and presents solutions
4.Starting from the frozen food and refrigeration principles and using comparative analysis method , we get conclusions that in the blow - frozen device , the open - mode , cold - quantity reclaim , low - press , direct - cooling air , absorbing - heat air cycle have the most significant reductions in food freeze dry cost , food hygiene , devices delicate , organizating air stream , non - electrical heat , high efficiency and safe refrigeration etc . the cold - cumulating and dryness tin is the equipment which applys the store - release characteristic of cold - cumulating stuff , ensures the higher efficiency of open - mode cold - quantity reclaim low - press direct - cooling air , shoulders conveyance of the saturated and frozen air to frozen storeroom to reduce dry cost of food and dry the cycling air to ensure safe and reliable
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