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English translation for "干衣机"

clothes dryer

Related Translations:
:  衣名词1.(衣服) clothing; clothes; garment 短语和例子单[夹] 衣 unlined [lined] dress; 丰衣足食 have ample food and clothing; 和衣而睡 sleep in one's clothes; 毛衣毛裤 woolen sweater and pants; 我的冬衣很充裕。 i am well-of
Example Sentences:
1.The clothes-dryer was a lifesaver during the wet weather .
2.Gas clothes dryers - volume i - type 1 clothes dryers
燃气干衣机.卷1 . 1型干衣机
3.Particular requirements for tumbler dryers
4.Hey debra i got to use your dryer
5.Samatha , put the clothes in the dryer and bury jelly
6.Clothes are in the dryer . - the dryer
7.- clothes are in the dryer . - the dryer
8.Tumble dryers for household use - methods for measuring the performance
9.Csa 7 . 1b gas clothes dryers volume i , type 1 clothes dryers same as csa 7 . 1b
燃气衣物干燥器卷i : 1型干衣机
10.Csa 7 . 2b gas clothes dryers volume ii , type 2 clothes dryers same as csa 7 . 2
燃气衣物干燥器卷ii : 2型干衣机
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