Appellation concerning pingxingguan battle by the division 115 of the eigth routh army on 25th september 关于1937年9月25日八路军115师平型关之战的称谓
The environment is peaceful in the district , the house type is moderate , is a light spot building near the road of ping xing pass 小区内环境幽静,房型适中,是平型关路附近的一个亮点楼盘。
If not really so , among fight and resist against japan sports unique great victory guerrilla warfare by the northeast at three peaks , it waver nearly three month , namely will it be september 25 1937 destroy the flat typeses of people imprison the historical statuseses of great victory 1 , 000 more than enemy ,如果真是这样,间三峰战斗将是东北抗日游击运动中空前绝后的大捷,它甚至可能动摇近三个月后,即1937年9月25日,歼敌一千多人的平型关大捷的历史地位