| 1. | The press in china widely reported these events 中国的新闻界广繁剂苏庑隆 |
| 2. | Hall of abstinence the hall on a white marble foundation is of bricks without any pillar or beam 汉白玉石殿基,庑殿顶, 5开间,系砖券结构,不设梁柱,故又名无梁殿。 |
| 3. | Following this he went abroad to study at the university of pittsburgh in the united states , where he broadened his intellectual horizons 其后负笈美国匹兹堡大学,眼界渐宽,堂庑顿拓。 |
| 4. | It is surrounded by a circular wall of 276 meters long . the seclusive garden is decorated with palatial halls and pavilions and ancient trees 城台高4 . 6米,周长276米,台上古木扶疏,殿亭华丽,廊庑曲折,是一处精致的小园林。 |
| 5. | The hall on a white marble foundation is of bricks without any pillar or beam . bronze statues , a stone pavilion and a stone pavilion with a sundial are in front of the hall 汉白玉石殿基,庑殿顶, 5开间,系砖券结构,不设梁柱,故又名无梁殿。 |
| 6. | A grand building complex with 9 courtyards came into being . the total 466 halls , pavilions , chambers and rooms were separated by 3 major gateways starting from the entrance 从大成门起分为三路,全庙共有殿堂阁庑间,南北长公里多,总面积约万平方米。 |
| 7. | The total 466 halls , pavilions , chambers and rooms were separated by 3 major gateways starting from the entrance . it measures over 1km from north to south and occupies an area of 22o , ooo square metres 从大成门起分为三路,全庙共有殿堂阁庑间,南北长公里多,总面积约万平方米。 |
| 8. | The opening in the center was for the emperor and empress exclusively . the two side openings were for the use of princes and court officials . eunuchs and soldiers used side gates to the south and north 东宫门颐和园正门,门为三明两暗的庑殿式建筑,中间正门供帝后出入,称为“御路” ,两边门洞供王公大苫出入,太监兵卒从南门北两侧边门出入。 |
| 9. | The temple was built in 1473 and its original name was zhenjuesi . in 1860 and 1900 , the temple was plundered and burned by aggressors and there was only an indian style pagoda left 89 《翠谷塔影》 ? ?香山琉璃塔,建于1780年。是香山昭庙在遭外侵劫难后,留存下来的宝塔,塔高10米,八角七层用琉璃砖瓦砌成低层围以白玉栏杆,塔基周围为木构廊庑,形式独特。 |
| 10. | The national concert hall has a " gable and hip " roof . in combination with the octagonal roof of the memorial hall , they form a triangular design , with the memorial hall , 70 meters in height , as the pivotal building 另有国家剧院及音乐厅各一,其屋顶,国家剧院为庑殿,音乐厅为歇山,与纪念堂之八角顶,成为三山并立之布局,而以纪念堂为主体,高达七十公尺。 |