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English translation for "应该是你"

it might be you

Related Translations:
应该成本:  should cost
不应该:  must notshall notshould notshouldn't
不应该做:  ought not to have done
应该感谢的:  thankworthy
应该自食其力了:  the boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living
应该报告什么:  what should be reported
也许你应该努力:  we should be happy together forever u
我早应该知道:  i should have known
答案应该是选项:  a vital link
往后你应该更细心:  for the future try to be more careful
Example Sentences:
1.Dr. west, surely this is your province .
2.So , this is exactly what you would have said , right
3.- you were supposed to tell her ! - you ' re crazy
-应该是你告诉她的! -你神经病
4.You were supposed to get married to young - shin
5.You were supposed to tell her ! - you ' re crazy
-应该是你告诉她的! -你神经病
6.You are the one who should know what my problem is !
7.But on the other hand , should that be your problem
8.This bathing suit was in the trunk . it ' s yours
9.It ought to be you rather than me that signs the letter
10.My future son - in - law . i thought that was you
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