You will do well to make your compliments to madame st. germain and monsieur pampigny . 你应该向圣日耳曼夫人和庞比尼先生问安。
Exhibition on masterpieces from centre pompidou to end soon 巴黎庞比度中心珍藏展即将结束
You will do well to make your compliments to madame st . germain and monsieur pampigny 你应该向圣?日耳曼夫人和庞比尼先生问安。
There is an artistic fountain in a square named after stravinsky beside the centre georges pompidou . its dynamism and colours distinguish it from classical fountains . ) ( asymmetricfountain )座落于庞比度中心旁边,史特拉汶斯基广场的艺术喷水池,其动感与色彩是古典水池没有的。