| 1. | Flat seating faces for low and medium pressures 适用于中低压力的平面阀座表面。 |
| 2. | Disc is guided by the mating surface of the seat 可通过所匹配的阀座表面导引阀瓣。 |
| 3. | Fully guided wedge reduces wear on seating surfaces 全导向楔板减少阀座表面的磨损。 |
| 4. | Seat face : negates need for flange gaskets 阀座表面:不需要使用阀兰垫圈。 |
| 5. | Gate valves are not designed for throttling service 长期处于未全开状态通常会损坏阀座表面。 |
| 6. | Disc ? machined seating surface is mated to seat ring for positive shutoff 阀瓣-机加工阀座表面,配置阀座环,实现积极有效的关闭。 |
| 7. | The molded ptfe ring is bonded into a seat ring groove in the face for maximum service life 这种模铸聚四氟乙烯环粘合在阀座表面的阀座环槽内,最大限度延长使用寿命。 |
| 8. | Hardfaced seating surfaces provide high cycle capability in very high differential pressure services 硬面阀座表面使得阀门在很高的压差应用环境中具有更长的使用寿命。 |
| 9. | Hardened seating surfaces ? both disc and body seating surfaces are hard faced for maximum service life 硬化的阀座表面?阀瓣和阀体地阀座表面都经过表面硬化,最大限度延长使用寿命。 |
| 10. | The taper stem head then transfers a vertical closing force to a lateral force which positively seats the knife against the seat face 然后锥形阀杆头将垂直关闭力转换成侧向力,将闸刀放置到阀座表面上。 |