Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - dongting mountain biluochun tea 原产地域产品洞庭山碧螺春茶
It is written in the sutras that buddha predicted that manjushri would reside in the mountain of wu ting 显宗经典上也曾有记载佛陀在古老时代即预言文殊菩萨将入住于五庭山。
Pi lo chun , only one leaf with the unopened bud , from the mountains of dongting in the suzhou province is harvested in the spring 碧螺春,产自春季的(苏州地区)洞庭山,采时仅一叶而叶芽未开。
Lam ting - shan failed to return to his home in tsui lam estate in tseung kwan o since january 8 this year . his mother made a report to police on the same day 林庭山于一月八日离开位于将军澳翠林?的住所后便告失踪,他的母亲于同日向警方报案。