The chairman of the international association of broadcasting meteorologists , mr gerald fleming from ireland , also attended the meeting 国际气象广播人员协会的代表爱尔兰专家傅廉明也参加了是次会议。
The chairman of the international association of broadcasting meteorologists , mr gerald fleming from ireland , also attended the meeting 国际气象广播人员协会的代表爱尔兰专家傅廉明也参加了是次会议。
Through exchange of opinions and communication , quite a few advisors have expressed their desires to further strengthen their cooperation with guangdong province 包公在任期间,清正廉明,誉声昭彰,任期满不持一砚归,为人们千秋传颂。
I must acquaint you , said mr crothers , clapping on the table so as to evoke a resonant comment of emphasis , old glory allelujerum was round again to - day , an elderly man with dundrearies , preferring through his nose a request to have word of wilhelmina , my life , as he calls her 蓄邓德利尔里式胡子193之老叟年迈之格洛里阿列路朱拉姆194今日又来矣。彼用鼻音央告曰:吾欲对吾之生命此即彼对伊之称呼威廉明娜进一言。