儿: Ⅰ名词1.(小孩子) child 短语和例子小儿 little child; 婴儿 baby; infant2.(年轻的人) youngster; youth 短语和例子男儿 man; 英雄儿女 young heroes and heroines3.(儿子) son 短语和例子他有一儿一女。 he has a son and a daughter.Ⅱ形容词(雄性的) mal
延: Ⅰ动词1.(延长) prolong; extend; protract 短语和例子苟延残喘 be on one's last legs; linger on in a steadily worsening condition; 蔓延 spread; 绵延不断 stretch long and unbroken2.(向后推迟) postpone; delay 短语和例子大会遇