| 1. | Test based on the signature of the advice execution 的测试以匹配建议执行。 |
| 2. | Pointcut to match advice executions that return void by using an 切点,通过对建议执行的签名使用一个基于 |
| 3. | They fully agree any extra expense result from above measures their account 他们完全同意按上述建议执行若有额外费用,他们愿意承担。 |
| 4. | The following actions are recommended to eliminate the cause of the binding failure 若要消除导致绑定故障的原因,建议执行以下操作:使用由 |
| 5. | Provide reports that summarize the effects of implementing the recommendations for a given workload 提供对所给工作负荷的建议执行效果的汇总报告。 |
| 6. | When using this mechanism , it is highly recommended that some form of role - based access check be performed 使用此机制时,强烈建议执行某种形式的基于角色的访问检查。 |
| 7. | S that might be thrown from an advice - execution join point so they don t affect the underlying application 我的基本错误隔离策略是,捕获并处理所有可能从建议执行连接点抛出的 |
| 8. | For my system , this is equivalent to matching advice execution for before and after advice , but not for around advice 对于我的系统,这相当于匹配before和after建议而不是around建议的建议执行。 |
| 9. | When you import data into an empty table from a single client or stream , microsoft recommends that you do the following 将数据从单个客户端(或数据流)导入到空表中时, microsoft建议执行下列操作: |
| 10. | Note that the advice - execution pointcut matches join points where some advice is executing , so this aspect will affect the behavior of other aspects ,这样它们就不会影响底层的应用程序。注意,建议执行切点匹配一些建议执行的连接点,因此这个方面将影响其他方面的行为。 |