An offshoot of the yandang mountain , yangjiao dong , the goat - horn cave scenic district is used to be called the square hill fangshan 在归宗雁荡以前,它以自己的名字方山久为世人所知,且有自己的开山祖师。
The ven master hua , founder of the city of ten thousand buddhas , not only did all these things himself , but also urged everyone else , saying : " you want to attain the way 美国万佛圣城的开山祖师宣化上人,不但自己以身作则,又不时苦口婆心地教诲众生?你要得道,在什麽地方修道呢?
By passing through two gorges , the stream joins the qingjiang river and finally enters into the east china sea . it is said that this is the way along which , the poet - governor xie lingyun had traced up into the yandang mountain some 1500 years ago 据说谢灵运当年探幽筋竹涧,终未能上溯入山,错过了和大湫邂逅的机会,不然,雁荡开山祖师未必轮得到洋和尚诺巨那来当。
Dr . chan is also celebrated as one of the originators of contemporary chinese martial arts novels . throughout his career as a writer for over half a century , he has attained canonical stature in martial arts novels along with jin yong and gu long 陈博士以笔名梁羽生撰写武侠小说,深入民间,影响深远,被誉为中国新派武侠小说的开山祖师之一,与金庸和古合称新派武侠小说的三大宗师。
Yandang s early reputation owes much to the following three men , or actually three monks in the tang dynasty 618 - 960 . one was an indian monk called nuojuna , the founder of the first buddhist temple in the area , who came settled here with his 300 disciples . the second was the well - known master yixing , who left behind with a painting of the mountain named " the landscape and its two borders " 这样,使雁荡名彰于外的使命便落到了唐代的三位僧人头上:一位是因“花村鸟山”之偈率三百弟子飞锡湫而被后人奉为开山祖师的西域高僧诺巨那,一位是画山川两戒图留下“南戒尽于雁荡”之语的一行和尚,最后一位是写出脍炙人口的名句“雁荡经行云漠漠,湫宴坐雨蒙蒙”的晚唐诗僧贯休。