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English translation for "开晚会"

have a party

Related Translations:
晚会:  an evening of entertainment; soirée; social evening; evening party 短语和例子国庆晚会 national day's evening party; 英语晚会 english evening; 除夕晚会 new year's eve entertainment; 音乐晚会 musical evening
晚会面具:  party mask
大型晚会:  big evening partylarge evening party
春节晚会:  cctvjack singer hall
教育晚会:  educational gathering
女生晚会:  hen night
晚会结束:  the party is overthe party's over
举行晚会:  have a party
爱抚晚会:  petting partypettingparty
英语晚会:  an english eveningenglish evening
Example Sentences:
1.She held a party , so as to celebrate her birthday
2.She had a evening party for celebration of her birthday
3.She held a party for her birthday
4.She hold a party for her birthday
5.Let ' s party , for real this time
6.Listen . seriously , we gotta look at a new night for your release party
7.Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather
8.He might not come this evening . in that case , we won ' t hold the party
9.During the party with some young people , the parents found themselves recapturing the joys of their youth
10.Gather your friends and family around you and party with them so that you will remember all of your birthdays
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