Do you plan on changing the way " unscoped " sniper rifles work 你们有计划来改变一下狙击步枪不开镜射击的这种情况吗?
We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle 这将足够的鼓励玩家开镜使用狙击步枪。
1st day shoot of filming is not really a shoot - just an affirmation that we ' re here 第一日开镜并非真正开拍? ?只是确认一下我们来到这儿。
If you fire your sniper rifle while unscoped , you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy 但如果你的狙击步枪是不开镜的话,你会发现准确性将会大大的下降。
It is understood that the sons and daughters of the consent agreement , the nie kai - century after his wife were buried in the tomb 据了解,在征得儿女们的同意后,聂开镜夫妇百年之后将合葬于该墓。
Pall very spacious , may tune , rock nie inscribed on the corner of the open - life memoirs , it was introduced , the memoirs of a total of more than 2 , 600 characters , all with iron solder stonemason the current time 墓内很宽敞,人可进退自如,墓壁上密密麻麻地刻着聂开镜生平的回忆录,据介绍,该回忆录一共2600多字,全是石匠用铁钎刻下。
Nie open , uninhibited personality mirrors that one day he collapsed in lichuan city construction see seven cliff confucius site , its sudden think : why is the death insisted burial , funeral cliff multi okay , not an inch of land in the state , and it also enabled graves preserved intact 聂开镜性格豪放,有一次他在利川市建南镇看到七孔子悬棺的遗址后,突发其想:为什么人死后非要土葬呢,崖葬多好呀,既不占国家一寸田土,又能使坟墓完好保存。