Count off seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain 9你要计算七七日,从你开镰收割禾稼时算起,共计七七日。
When the " goddess of cereals " come soon begins harvesting the wheat harvest , the music is that the cheers everywhere 当“谷物女神”走到即将开镰收割的麦田时,鼓乐齐鸣,欢声四起。
[ bbe ] put in the blade , for the grain is ready : come , get you down , for the wine - crusher is full , the vessels are overflowing ; for great is their evil - doing 开镰吧。因为庄稼熟了。践踏吧。因为酒榨满了,酒池盈溢。他们的罪恶甚大。