Hitler cursed the jews for all the ills of the world . 希特勒把世界上的一切弊端都归咎于犹太人。
The faults were on the surface, the core of our country was sound . 弊端是表面的;我们国家的内核是健全的。
We've worked hard to get some of these abuses out of the system . 我们正想尽种种办法来消除这种制度的某些弊端。
Society would go down in violent collapse if its abuses were not soon remedied . 社会弊端如不及时纠正,社会就要灭亡。
The rebating evil, they warned, had grown to such monstrous proportions that it threatened to bankrupt the railroads . 他们警告说,运费折扣的弊端已发展到如此严重的程度,有使铁路公司破产的危险。
In an article a letter from a purported madman suggests the abolition of money as a cure for many social evils . 在一篇文章里,一个人称疯子的人写了一封信,建议取消货币,作为消除社会弊端的办法。
The real trouble with the italians, he said, was that the marrow of the nation had been eaten out by the cancer of the church . 意大利人真正的困难,他说,在于国家的精华已被教会这个弊端全糟蹋掉。
The possible drawbacks of this approach are the costs and difficulties of private borrowing, especially for the poorest countries . 这种方法可能存在的弊端是,向私人借款需要费用并会遇到困难,特别是对于最贫穷的国家来说。