Zhi yi ' s judgment and interpretation on the belief in mi tuo pure land 智?对弥陀净土信仰的判释
On the blended composition of maitreya belief and amit bha belief 试论弥勒信仰与弥陀信仰的交融性
The official name is amida nyorai zazo of taiisan kotoku - in shojo senji 正式名称是大异山高德院清净泉寺阿弥陀如来坐像。
In the amitabha sutra , it is stated , " sariputra , those who are re - born in the western paradise are all avinivartaniya never - returners 在佛说阿弥陀经中:又舍利佛!极乐国土,众生生者,皆是阿?跋致。
In the upper floor , there is the temple of the god of heavens , the candi buddha temple , kwun yam temple and the temple of the nei tor amita buddha 万佛寺高层建筑包括有玉皇殿准提殿观音殿和弥陀殿。各殿均设有不同的佛像给人供奉。
In the upper floor , there is the temple of the god of heavens , the candi buddha temple , kwun yam temple and the temple of the nei tor ( amita ) buddha 万佛寺高层建筑包括有玉皇殿、准提殿、观音殿和弥陀殿。各殿均设有不同的佛像给人供奉。
The most important of the transcendant beings known as cosmic buddha , he has a distinctive tradition established in his name and is also venerated in buddhist writings called tantra 阿弥陀最重要的超越性存在身是大日如来, (密教中)有以他的名字命名的鲜明传统,他在佛教的怛特罗经典(密典)中又极受崇敬。
The colored statues are divided into four categories , namely , buddha , including sakyamuni , maitreya , bhaisajyaguru medicine buddha and amitabha ; bodhisattva , including avalokitesvara , manjusri , samantabhadra and bodhisattva the great power - coming ; disciples of the buddha , including ananda and kasyapa ; and heavenly warriors and earth deities 莫高窟的彩塑分为释迦弥勒药师阿弥陀等佛,观音文殊普贤大势到等菩萨,阿难迦叶等第子及天王地神等四类彩塑。