The canyon was wide at the water's edge, and through it corkscrewed back into the mesa by abrupt turns, it preserved this open, roomy character . 峡谷在水边那儿很宽阔,虽然它拐了一个陡急的弯子向方山深处盘旋进去,但一直保持着这样开阔,空旷的特点。
The opening was too good, therefore, to be neglected, though she came to the subject with much of the indirectness and, perhaps, justifiable address of a woman . 这个开端实在太好了,这是千载难逢的好机会,但是她绕了一个弯子,也许这是一个女人有权采用的策略。
One street crosses itself a time or two 这些“胡同”稀奇古怪地拐着弯子。
He beat about the bush for half an hour without coming to the point 他不着正题,绕了半小时的弯子。
Without saying a word he turned down the rue rougemont with her 他一句话也没说,带她转过弯子,到了卢日蒙街。
It crossed broadway from out the shadow of twenty - sixth street , and , in a halting , circuitous way , arrived close to the waiting figure 这个人从二十六街的阴影处出来。穿过百老汇大街,犹豫不决地绕着弯子走近了那个正在等待的人。
By that time everything we had in the world was on our raft , and she was ready to be shoved out from the willow cove where she was hid 等到我们把所有的家当全都放到木排上的时候,我们准备从隐藏着的柳树弯子里撑出去,我们第一件事是把洞口的火堆灰烬熄灭。
Suddenly the path gave a final turn ; the wall ended , and as they came out on the village square the mansion house stood before them on the farther side of its grand outer court 她自己也有一会儿没有说话,脸色有点苍白,神情严肃,转过最后一道弯子,大家到了村子的广场上,围墙突然到了尽头。古堡出现了,它位于主庭院的尽头。
A florida judge says lisa nowak can remove the monitoring bracelet from her ankle . the former astronaut stands accused of attacking a romantic rival at the orlando airport (佛罗里达州的律师(错误)说丽萨可以拆掉她脚踝上的监视器环,这位前宇航员正面临指控,这关系到她(本可以直截了当,绕了弯子还让人困惑)在奥多兰机场攻击她的情敌。 )