| 1. | Self - affine analysis for the dynamical fluctuations inside jets produced in high energy hadron - hadron collisions 强子碰撞喷注内部动力学起伏的自仿射分析 |
| 2. | On the dynamical fluctuations in the production and evolusion of jets in high energy hadron - hadron collisions 强子碰撞中喷注的产生与演化过程的动力学起伏 |
| 3. | The parameter a , is studied in many experiments of hadron - hadron collisions and heavy ion collisions after it was introduced 非热相变的概念提出后,很多强子?强子碰撞实验和重离子实验都对特征参数_ q进行了研究。 |
| 4. | , the fractal in space - time evolution in high energy h - h collisions is self - affine , which may trace back to the high anisotropy of phase space of multiparticle final states in these collisions 高能强子-强子碰撞多粒子末态的高度各向异性使得时空演化中的分形结构表现为自仿射。 |
| 5. | But in the present available hadron - hadron collision experiments , due to the restriction of energy , the average multiplicity is very low . and the rank of the factorial moments could not be high 但是,目前的强子?强子碰撞能量较低,制约了阶乘矩的阶数,没有明显看到非热相变的迹象。 |
| 6. | The virtual of this model is that the high energy collision is studied in the target rest frame , so it is not only convenient to compare with the experiment data , but also easy to understand the physic mechanic 该模型的优点在于它是在靶静止系下研究强子碰撞过程,不仅便于实验比较,而且对于物理机制的理解也更为直观。 |
| 7. | E + e - collisions is . better . to . be carried out in the full , phase space instead of in a restricted phase space . therefore , we can only use the method of omitting the first few points of the nfm to eliminate the influence of momentum conservation 存在一个转变点,在这一点, e对撞产生的强子喷注内部的动力学起伏与软强子碰撞的动力学起伏的行为类似,在横平面呈圆形分布,在渊平面呈椭圆分布。 |
| 8. | Whereas , as a crucial input in the color dipole approach , the color dipole cross section is largely unknown in theory , it is necessary for us to compare different hadron - hadron dilepton production processes to test the appalicablity of this approach 然而,由于色偶极模型中色偶极截面不能从理论上严格确定,我们必须对不同强子?强子碰撞轻子对产生过程进行比较,才能检验色偶极模型描述drell - yan过程的适用性。 |
| 9. | Therefore j / v is the border guard of perturbative quark and gluon and non - perturbative hadron . j / v production can be divided into two phases : cc pairs are produced from initial short - range parton scattering in nucleus - nucleus collision , then the produced cc pairs proceed to evolving into physical bound state 基于对强子?强子碰撞中j产生的研究,目前人们认为j的产生可分成两个阶段:入射强子和靶强子先通过部分子过程产生cc对,然后cc对再演化为物理的j束缚态。 |