当 Ⅰ形容词 (相称) equal 短语和例子 门当户对 be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage); 实力相当 well-matched in strengthⅡ动词 1.(担任; 充当) work as; serve as; be 短语和例子 当翻译 serve [act] as interpreter; 当公共汽车司机 work as a bus driver; 当官做老爷 act like an overlord; 选他当组长 elect him group leader; 他在一家银行当办事员。 he serves as a clerk in a bank.2.(承当; 承受) bear; accept; deserve 短语和例子 敢做敢当 dare to do sth. and dare to take responsibility for it; 我可当不起这样的夸奖。 i just don't deserve such praise. 一人做事一人当。 one should answer for what he does.3.(主持; 掌管) direct; manage; be in charge of 短语和例子 当家 manage household affairs4.(应当) ought; should; must 短语和例子 理当如此。 that's just as it should be. 能省的就省, 当用的还是得用。 save what you can, but use what you must.Ⅲ介词 1.(面对着; 向着) in sb.'s presence; to sb.'s face 短语和例子 当着大家谈。 speak out in the presence of everyone. 你在当着我的面撒谎。 you are telling me lies to my very face.2.(正在那时候、 那地方) just at (a time or place) 短语和例子 当场 on the spot; 当时 at that timeⅣ象声词 (撞击金属器物的声音) clank; clang 短语和例子 当当的钟声 the tolling of a bell; the ding-dong of bellsⅤ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 当阳 dang yang