| 1. | 1 pet . 5 : 11 to him be the glory and the might forever and ever . amen 彼前五11愿荣耀权能归与他,直到永永远远。阿们。 |
| 2. | 1 pet . 5 : 13 the co - chosen in babylon and mark my son greet you 彼前五13在巴比伦同蒙拣选的问你们安,我儿子马可也问你们安。 |
| 3. | Honor all people , love the brotherhood , fear god , honor the king 彼前2 : 17务要尊敬众人亲爱教中的弟兄敬畏神尊敬君王。 |
| 4. | 1 pet . 2 : 17 honor all men . love the brotherhood . fear god . honor the king 彼前二17务要尊敬众人,爱众弟兄,敬畏神,尊敬君王。 |
| 5. | 1 pet . 5 : 7 casting all your anxiety on him because it matters to him concerning you 彼前五7你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们。 |
| 6. | 1 pet . 4 : 5 who will render an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead 彼前四5他们必向那预备好要审判活人死人的主交账。 |
| 7. | And when the chief shepherd appears , you will receive the unfading crown of glory 彼前5 : 4到了牧长显现的时候、你们必得那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。 |
| 8. | Greet one another with a kiss of love . peace be to you all who are in christ 彼前5 : 14你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。愿平安归与你们凡在基督里的人。 |
| 9. | 1 pet . 5 : 3 nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock 彼前五3也不是作主辖管所委?你们的产业,乃是作群羊的榜样。 |
| 10. | And if the righteous scarcely be saved , where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear 彼前4 : 18若是义人仅仅得救、那不虔敬和犯罪的人、将有何地可站呢。 |