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English translation for "往回走"

turn around/round

Related Translations:
往回:  b:backlesszurück
往回跑:  double back
往回看:  lokking back
偶希望泥永远都不要往回看但不要忘记:  i hope you never look back, but you never forget…
走走走:  walking walking
:  动词1.(人或鸟兽的脚交互向前移动) walk; go 短语和例子行走 walk; 走自己的路 go one's own way; take one's own road; 走遍天下 travel all over the world; 一直往前走 go straight ahead; 走前人没有走过的道路 break new paths; take paths never
四处走走:  ramble
出去走走:  going out for a walkgoingoutforawalklet’s go for a walk. = let’s go for a drive
一起走走:  walk together
Example Sentences:
1.Toby made a show of returning .
2.The other figure, a burly man with a reddish face was returning .
3.As they walked back he asked anxiously, "are you happy? "
4.After a short inspection of the melancholy ruins they retraced their steps .
5.His feelings drag him forward and his mind, full of what others say about him, tells him to go back .
6.He retraced his steps along central avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking .
7.Then he turned back, for he, too, had seen a promised land, not for his seed only, but for nations yet to come .
8.On his way back along the broom road, under the lamps that marked the entrance to the palace grounds, grief encountered a short, rotund gentleman .
9.I need you to give me a lift in the other direction
10.Only thought on my mind was that i didn ' t want to go back
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