| 1. | What , are you nuts ? have you forgotten kershner 什么你疯了吗你忘了可绅律法吗 |
| 2. | " the law and the prophets were proclaimed until john 16律法和先知,到约翰为止。 |
| 3. | We have a iaw that says he ought to die . . 我们有律法,按那律法,他是该死的. . |
| 4. | Is then the law against the promises of god 21这样,律法是与神的应许相反么? |
| 5. | What ' s kershner ? please , let me handle this 什么是可绅律法请让我来处理这事 |
| 6. | I will always obey your law , for ever and ever 44我要常守你的律法、直到永永远远。 |
| 7. | Master , which is the chief rule in the law 夫子、律法上的诫命、那一条是最大的呢。 |
| 8. | " legalism : meticulous observance of the law . "守规派:谨小慎微地奉行律法 |
| 9. | His law is love , and his gospel is peace 他的律法是爱,他的福音给人平安。 |
| 10. | So that what is written in their law may come true . 因为要验证他们律法上所写的话: |