| 1. | Stalin was insistent that this should take place at teheran . 斯大林坚持这个会议应在德黑兰举行。 |
| 2. | We're told tehran weather is unpredictable and horrendous . 我们听说德黑兰的天气变幻莫测、风云险恶。 |
| 3. | "tehran was a good joke," she says, through a choked throat . “德黑兰开了一个很有趣的玩笑,”她嗓音哽噎地说。 |
| 4. | Towards the centre of teheran these crowds were four or five deep . 在接近德黑兰城的中心时,密集的人群有四、五层。 |
| 5. | This is a faithful record of my position on the eve of teheran . 这就是我在德黑兰会议前夕所持的立场的一个忠实的纪录。 |
| 6. | We must be very careful not to commit an atrocity by bombing teheran . 我们必须非常小心,不要因为轰炸德黑兰而造成一次大失策。 |
| 7. | I remember saying it to the travelling newsmen as we were leaving tehran . 我记得有一次我们离开德黑兰时我曾对随行记者说过此事。 |
| 8. | General wavell's visit to london was shelved by the need for his presence in teheran . 韦维尔将军的伦敦之行,却因为需要派他到德黑兰去而中止。 |
| 9. | Such was the fragile state of italian affairs when i set out for cairo and teheran . 这就是在我动身前往开罗和德黑兰时意大利的那种风雨飘摇的局面。 |
| 10. | I addressed myself first to stalin, who i knew favoured the idea of a rendezvous at teheran . 我首先给斯大林写信。据我知道,他是赞成以德黑兰为会址的。 |