| 1. | The eyes are the window of the mind . 眼为心灵之窗。 |
| 2. | Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started ? 话题一起,他那犹如夏日掠过的闪电点燃心灵之火的想象力又到哪里去了? |
| 3. | When something opens within, and the music enters, what we mainly hear, or hear corroborated, are personal private, vanishing evocations . 心灵之窗开启,音乐得以进入心田,此时听到的,或者说自以为听懂的,主要也只是瞬息即逝的个人灵感。 |
| 4. | S is for speech . speech is the picture of the mind 代表言语。言语为心灵之声。 |
| 5. | Open your eyes and see things as they really are 打开心灵之窗,看清事物的本质。 |
| 6. | Inner fire cost increased to 35 , from 25 心灵之火的魔法消耗从25提高到35 。 |
| 7. | Inner fire is another core ability we ' re reworking 心灵之火是另一个我们着重考虑修改的技能。 |
| 8. | Increases the beneficial effects of your inner fire spell by 15 % 使你的心灵之火的效果提高15 % 。 |
| 9. | In vain shall a poet seek the mother of the songs of his heart 诗人心灵之歌的溯源必将是一场空。 |
| 10. | You are the key to my lock of soul 你是开启我心灵之锁的钥匙。 |