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English translation for "忍耐一下"

hang in there

Related Translations:
忍耐:  exercise patience; exercise restraint; restrain oneself; be tolerant of; endure; put up with 短语和例子我们忍耐到了极点。 our patience has been taxed to the limit
忍耐的:  forbearing
元素忍耐:  endure elements
忍耐环境:  endure elements
忍耐力:  endurancetolerance
忍耐胁迫:  stress tolerance
逆境忍耐:  stress tolerance
忍耐之:  enduring
忍耐到底:  stick it out
忍耐限度:  the limit of one’s patience
Example Sentences:
1.Have a bit of patience .
2.They wanted to say something but i told them to hold their horses until i have finished mine .
3.This story requires a long explanation and, therefore, have patience and compose your mind to hear it out .
4.All will be well if only we endure it for a while
5.Be patient . you ' ll get your day in court
6.My english isn ' t that great . can you bear with me a little
7.Your little sister is sick , try to bear with her when she cries
8.He cried , " help ! " his servants came over to have a look and said , " be patient , master
他大喊救命,仆人们走来一看,说: “东家,请忍耐一下
9.As we are not saints , we have emotional ups and downs . if she loses her temper , why do you not keep your temper and comfort her
10.We are not saints , every one has emotional ups and downs , if the other person is " upset " or " angry " or " grumpy " , why not try to understand and comfort him / her
Similar Words:
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