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English translation for "忠于祖国"

be loyal to one's country

Related Translations:
忠于:  true to; loyal to; faithful to; devoted to 短语和例子忠于祖国, 忠于人民 be loyal to one's country and people; 忠于现实 [文艺] be faithful to reality
忠于某人:  person devoted to sb/sth
忠于祖国忠于人民:  be loyal to one's country and people
忠于你:  devoted to you
忠于职守:  be devoted to one's duty
忠于丈夫:  to be true to the husband
忠于诺言:  to stick to one’s promise
忠于朋友:  stick to one’s friend
忠于法律:  fidelity to law
忠于上司:  loyalty to superiors
Example Sentences:
1.We are loyal to our motherland
2.We are loyal to our motherland
3.Live or die , we should be loyal to our party , to our people and to our motherland
Similar Words:
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