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English translation for "快收敛"

rapid convergence

Related Translations:
相对一致收敛:  relative uniform convergence
:  Ⅰ形容词1.(速度高; 走路、做事等费的时间短) fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy 短语和例子动作快 be quick in action; 快极了 very fast; 请别说得那么快。 please don't speak so fast. 他进步很快。 he has made rapid progress. 我的表快五分钟。 my w
快快复苏:  enervate
快华尔兹:  quick waltz
快色素:  rapid fast dye
快走开:  get off my back
快打旋:  street fighter (video game)
快熟石灰:  quick slacking limequick slaking lime
不爽快:  not frank
快拨:  half-volley
Example Sentences:
1.Results show that such a joint scheme can provide rapid acquisition as well as accurate tracing
2.By this way w e perfectly discuss the mrm for the dynamic response of viscoelastic thin plate and its convergence analysis
3.Comfac - ljade and comfac - cjade algorithms have the better estimation performance for delay and doa , and better convergence
Comfac - ljade和comfac - cjade算法不仅具有较好角度和时延估计性能,而且有着较快收敛速度。
4.The implementation of such a system is extremely complicated due to three factors : the impulse response of a lrm system have a duration of several hundred milliseconds , the system has to be adaptive , and the adaptation has to be performed with a speech input the traditional adaptive algorithms such as lms and nlms can not obtain the satisfied result in the real - time acoustic echo cancellation processing
但由于声回授通道的特殊性和复杂性,普通的自适应算法无法满足要求,必须采用一些十分复杂的算法,这样一来,实时性的问题变得十分突出。快速lms newton算法的提出,给自适应声回波对消问题的解决开辟了新的途径。该算法集lms算法的简单易行性和newton算法的快收敛性为一体,是一种非常有应用前景的自适应算法。
5.We highlight the key points of this dissertation at the end of this charter . in chapter 2 , a modified projection transformation method is presented , which utilizes preliminary estimation of interference doa . it is demonstrated that the side lobe performance of adapted antenna patterns can be significantly improved with this method and increased convergence rate of adaptive algorithm when the array manifold is not known exactly
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