sometimes hot and sometimes cold; blow hot and cold in turn; by fits and starts; fever alternates with chills.; now hot, now cold -- sudden changes of temperature; sudden changes in one's affection [attitude; enthusiasm]: 在工作上他总是忽冷忽热有冬有夏。 his enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold
Related Translations:
天气忽冷忽热: the weather is cold one minute and hot the next. suddenly
在工作上他总是忽冷忽热有冬有夏: his enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold
Example Sentences:
Their benevolence took spasmodic forms . 他们的善心忽冷忽热。
His enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold ... 在工作上他总是忽冷忽热有冬有夏。
It may stand as an example of the fitful swerving of his passion . 这是一个例子,说明他的情绪往往变化不定,忽冷忽热。
Verses tight , hooks harder than ken norton 为何她会难被捉摸忽冷忽热nonono
Uh , it ' s called playing you hot and cold 啊,那叫作对你忽冷忽热
As you may know that most people in china learn english by fits and starts 正如你所知道的,中国大多数人学习英语都是忽冷忽热。
Martin , who does not know all this , subsequently becomes troubled by biqi ' s inconsistent attitude 不知内幕的高峰,对碧琦忽冷忽热的态度,深感无奈。
“ it ' s hard to know what my boss will do . he blows hot and cold about the proposal to open a new factory in malaysia “难以知道老板要做什么。他对在马来西亚建厂的计划忽冷忽热。 ”
Variety , you expect new change and stimulate , you will have many friends , but you have the incline to treat people sometimes well but sometimes not 变化型。期待着新的刺激和变化,人缘相当好,但有忽冷忽热的倾向。
D : variety , you expect new change and stimulate , you will have many friends , but you have the incline to treat people sometimes well but sometimes not 变化型。期待着新的刺激和变化,人缘相当好,但有忽冷忽热的倾向。