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English translation for "总裁办"

president's office

Related Translations:
执行总裁:  ceo chief executive officerexecutive chairmanexecutive president
世界银行总裁:  the world banker
副总裁:  deputy gm/vice presidentdeputy governordeputy presidentexecutive vice presidentvee vice presidentveepveevice presidentvicepresidentvp(vice president)
财务总裁:  cfo chief financial officer
市场副总裁:  vice-president of marketingvp marketing
常务副总裁:  executive vice president
总裁兼首席:  wolfgang dehen
总裁兼首席执行官:  lloyd trotterpresident & ceo
亚太区总裁:  president, asia & pacific
行政副总裁:  vice president of administrationvice-president of administration
Example Sentences:
1.Director of president office
2.The organizational structure of qiaopai group consists of 16 departments in total , including 1 technical developing institute and 3 technical developing departments , international trade department , sales marketing department , quality control department , workmanship department , production management department , wages norm department , finance accounting department , audit department , materials supply department , logistics department , comprehensive administration department , patent right defense service department and president office of qiaopai
Similar Words:
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