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English translation for "恢复名誉"

rehabilitate one’s reputation

Related Translations:
对他的名誉的毁谤:  a slander against his name
恢复性能:  restorability
恢复操作:  redo
恢复刀具:  retrieve tools
窗口恢复:  restore the window to its previous size
恢复稳定性:  resilient stability
变形恢复:  deformation recoveryreversible deformationstrain recovery
恢复时期:  period of recovery
文件恢复:  visual studio file recovery visual studio
恢复电流:  restituted currentrestore currentrestoring current
Example Sentences:
1.Revenge and rehabilitation might be hers at a stroke .
2.He has made the rehabilitation of galileo a major goal .
3.The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels .
4.An opportune absence might be the first step toward rehabilitation .
5.9 elimination of ill effects and rehabilitation of reputation ; and
6.He was determined to retrieve his honor
7." and for that reason , he besought me to try and clear up a mystery he had never been able to penetrate , and to clear his memory should any foul spot or stain have fallen on it .
“他求我设法解开这个他自己始终无法解开的谜,并求我替他的过去恢复名誉,假如他过去真的被诬陷的话。 ”
8.Third . it discusses the principle , rule of compensation , the forms of this statutory liability , and measure of damages . it also give some suggestions for legislation and legal system
9.I ' m updating the wizard of oz . in this version , the scarecrow gets a smart phone , the lion finds courage in a bottle before going into rehab , and the tin man is recycled into a hybrid car with a heart for the environment
10.If a citizen s right of personal name , portrait , reputation or honor is infringed upon , he shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped , his reputation be rehabilitated , the ill effects be eliminated and an apology be made ; he may also demand compensation for losses
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