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English translation for "恢复率"

recovery rate
recovery ratio
reset rate
restoration ratio

Related Translations:
恢复性能:  restorability
恢复操作:  redo
恢复刀具:  retrieve tools
窗口恢复:  restore the window to its previous size
恢复稳定性:  resilient stability
变形恢复:  deformation recoveryreversible deformationstrain recovery
恢复时期:  period of recovery
文件恢复:  visual studio file recovery visual studio
恢复电流:  restituted currentrestore currentrestoring current
恢复二极管:  recovery dioderestorer diode
Example Sentences:
1.Packaging - rate of energy recovery - definition and method of calculation
2.An hiv aids transmission model with infectious stages and constant recruitment
3.Test method for building sealants part 17 : determination of elastic recovery
4.Horizontal refresh rate
5.Vertical refresh rate
6.Cannibalize ( undead racial ) - regeneration increased to 35 % of a character ' s total health over 10 seconds
食尸(不死种族) -恢复率在10秒之内增加至角色血量总合的35 %
7.The model of computer virus epidemic is constructed , and the evolving process of virus spreading is simulated on the china education network
8.It shows that the bias in the post - irradiation recovery period and the ratio of the interface state to the electron tunneling influence the recovery rate
9.The simulation result also shows that the penalty to spare capacity needed is very small with the new algorithm apart from the reduction in the number of searching waves
10.In order to study solid - liquid two phase washing system further , we compare that method with traditional mass water washing method and get the over 10 % recovery ratio of the former than the latter
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