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English translation for "恢复邦交"

resume diplomatic relations

Related Translations:
缔结邦交:  establish diplomatic relations (between countries)
恢复性能:  restorability
恢复操作:  redo
恢复刀具:  retrieve tools
窗口恢复:  restore the window to its previous size
恢复稳定性:  resilient stability
变形恢复:  deformation recoveryreversible deformationstrain recovery
恢复时期:  period of recovery
文件恢复:  visual studio file recovery visual studio
恢复电流:  restituted currentrestore currentrestoring current
Example Sentences:
1.The president began by saying that he hoped the polish and soviet governments would resume relations .
2.Chad and china resume diplomatic relations
3.In the practice of it , mr fukuda p re opened diplomatic relations with china
4.He will be the first chinese leader to visit liberia since the two countries reestablished diplomatic relations in 2003
5.Henry , without the rapprochement that you and president nixon brilliantly achieved with your chinese counterparts , a conference such as this might yet be something in the distant future
6.But the stark conclusion of all of these three books is that a rapprochement has become much less likely since the election in 2005 of iran ' s egregious mahmoud ahmadinejad signalled the ascendancy of an iranian group of “ neoconservatives ” far more ideological even than their american namesakes
不过,这三部著作(本文是对三本书的书评? ?译注)都有一个显而易见的结论,即自2005年异乎寻常的内贾德当选,标志着伊朗一批比美国保守党更为不切实际的“新保守派”上台执政之后,美伊恢复邦交的可能性就大大降低了。
Similar Words:
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