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English translation for "恣意行乐"

give way to unrestrained fun [joy]; allow one to act freely in pleasure-seeking

Related Translations:
行乐:  [书面语] indulge in pleasures; seek amusement; seek pleasure; make merry 短语和例子恣意行乐 have one's fling
恣意:  unscrupulous; reckless; unbridled; wilful 短语和例子恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the territory of other countries; 恣意掠夺别国的资源 indulge in unbridled plunder of the resources of other countries
行乐的:  picnicky
即时行乐:  happy together
行乐者:  merrymaker
行乐及时:  make merry while one can; enjoy at the right time; enjoy pleasure in good time; live while we may
及时行乐:  enjoy pleasure in good time; enjoy the pleasures of life here and now; enjoy the sweets of life while one is young; make merry while one can; carpe diem
行乐的人:  recreationist
最后的行乐:  a last/final fling
恣意侵略:  wanton aggression
Example Sentences:
1.Four sergeants of the provost of the palais ? the appointed superintendents of all popular holidays , whether festivals or executions ? stood on duty at the four corners of the marble table
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